Monday, October 25, 2010

The transfer of the residential real estate in the United States has the lowest Rate since the Census Bureau began tracking in 1948

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 Contact:Tom Edwards
Public Information Office
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The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that the national post rate declined from 13.2 percent in 2007 to 11.9 percent in 2008--the lowest rate since the bureau began tracking these data in 1948.

In 2008, 35.2 million people 1 year and older changed residences in the U.S. within the past year, representing a decrease from 38.7 million in 2007 and the smallest number of residents to move since 1962.

"Even though the number of people who changed residence in 2008 dropped by 3.5 million from the previous year, millions of Americans continue to move," said Tom Mesenbourg, acting director of the U.S. Census Bureau. "As we gear up for the 2010 Census, we will be looking to get an accurate count of everyone in the country, regardless of whether they moved in the past year or not."

By region, people in the South (13.5 percent) and in the West (13.2 percent) were likeliest to move in 2008. (The two rates were not statistically different.) The Midwest and the Northeast had mover rates of 11 1 2 8 percent and 60 percent, respectively. [1] [2].In 2008, the Midwest saw the largest decline in its post rate from 2007.

Among those who moved in 2008, 65 percent moved within the same county, 18 percent moved to a different county within the same state, 13 percent moved to a different state, and 3 percent moved to the U.S. from abroad.

Principal cities within metropolitan areas experienced a net loss of 2 million movers, while the suburbs had a net gain of 2.2 million movers.

Looking at the civilian population 16 and older who were unemployed, 21 3 percent lived in a different residence one year ago. This compares with 12.3 percent of the population who were employed and lived in a different residence one year ago.Among those not in the labor force, 9 percent lived in a different residence one year ago.

In 2008, the renters were five times more likely to move than homeowners.More than one-in-four people (27.7 percent) living in renter-occupied housing units lived in a different residence one year earlier.By comparison, the mover rate of people living in owner occupied housing units was 5.4 percent.

Other highlights:

Of the population for whom poverty is determined: 22.8 percent below 100 percent of the poverty level moved within the last year, 16 3 percent between 100 and 149 percent of the poverty level moved within the last year and 9.7 percent at or above 150 percent of the poverty level moved within the last year. [1] [2] While the number of intercounty movers who lived 500 or more miles from their previous residence one year ago (2.8 million) was not statistically different in 2008 than in 2007, the number of intercounty movers who lived less than 50 miles away one year ago decreased from 5.1 million to 4.4 million between 2007 and 2008. [1] [2] The most common reasons for moving were housing related (such as the desire to own a home or live in a better neighborhood), representing 40.1 percent or 14.1 million movers.The distribution among those who gave other reasons for moving was: family related (30.5 percent), employment related (20.9 percent) and other (8.5 percent). [1] [2] The black alone population had the highest rate mover (16 percent), followed by Hispanics (15 percent), the matter shall be referred to the alone (13 percent) and white alone, not Hispanic (10 percent).

These statistics come from Geographical Mobility: 2008, a series of tables that describe the comparison between the place of residence at the time of the March survey and place of residence one year earlier.The tables include data on types of moves, the characteristics of movers and reasons why people moved.

The data are from the 2008 Current Population Survey's Annual Social and Economic Supplement, which is conducted in February, March and April at about 100,000 addresses nationwide.Statistics from surveys are subject to sampling and nonsampling error.For more information on the source of the data and accuracy of the estimates, including standard errors and confidence intervals, see Appendix G . at

Sunday, October 24, 2010

THE U.S. Census Bureau reports Residents Move is higher than the rate after a record low in 2009 (2008)

THE U.S. Census Bureau announced today that the national post picked up 11.9% in 2008 (the lowest rate since the U.S. Census Bureau began tracking data in year 1948) to 12.5% in 2009.

Data from the geographical mobility: 2009, 37.1 million people for 1 year and older in the United States have changed over the past few years Rakennuskustannusindeksit. Increased thus 35.2 million in 2008.

In 2009, all the responses% 67.3 remained within the same County, 17 2% is moved to a different area in the same room 12,6% moved to a different position and 2.9% in 2000, he moved to the United States from abroad.

"Geographical mobility information to not only monitor the quantities and types of movement of mover, they may also learn that move, why, and how far," said David Ihrke, Research Statistician Census Bureau Housing and household economic Statistics Division. "These components enable users to see the variations in the grounds for the move. "

Region Northeast people mover was the lowest (8.1%), Midwest (11.6%), South (13,7%) and West (14.8%). All regions, except in the West, which saw the add 1.6 percentage points, were not significantly different in 2008 and 2009.

Main cities within the metropolitan areas with the help of an experienced 2,1 million net loss, the suburban muuttomiesten had a net profit of 2.4 million of the overall workforce.

In 2009 vuokrakonetta were more than five times more likely to be transferred than by individuals;29. (2) all of the people living in housing units available to the renter% lived in the rest of 2008. All in own use housing units for people living in extreme poverty by the mover was 5.2%.

Other highlights:

20,9% Lived in a different format for residence permits for the civilian population 16 and older who were unemployed, one year ago, 12.5% of which were employed compared to.Of them, does not force 9,3% lived superrod29, anonymous user (s) in a different place of residence one year ago. Generally, people with disabilities are more likely than income poverty which they commit themselves to remain above that target and move a 23.6% last year people 100% of the poverty income transferred to 17,5% compared with the human resources over the past few years between 100 and three-year arrangement under the poverty line. [1] [2] Most often, the people said% 149 for reasons relating to the housing than their main reason for moving around 17 million. [1] [2] muuttomiesten (45.9%) said they wanted to own a home or live in a better neighborhood. [1] [2] the reasons for the move is included in the family, as well as the other concerns (26.3%), employment needs (17.9%) and other (by 9.8%) of the amount of the intercounty muuttomiesten — people who will be moved to a different area — who have resided in 50-199 nautical miles from a year ago, increased from 2.1 million to 2.4 million between 2008 and 2009. [1] [2] The black population was alone with the highest interest rate mover (16.7%), followed by Hispanics (15,8%) in the Asia-Pacific alone (13.8%) and white alone, not Hispanic (10.7%).

These statistics are geographical mobility: a set of tables, 2009, which is a general term used to describe the United States, the mobility of persons, in the tables contain the data. [1] [2] why do people have been moved, move, and the type of the distance moved among those that have been transferred to those who will be moved to the 2008 and 2009 features.

The data are current Population Survey 2009, annual social and economic supplement, which is carried out in February, March and April nationwide, approximately 100 000 addresses. statistics of examinations, sampling and nonsampling error. [1] [2] for more information about the data source and estimates, including standard errors and confidence intervals, the accuracy of the see.Annex g . at

THE U.S. Census Bureau opens in a new Research Laboratory of the North Carolina Research Triangle Park

The Center for Economic Studies is the u.s. Census Bureau in cooperation with the RTI International, begins at the start of the new research Data Center (RDC) laboratory at North Carolina Research Triangle Park.

New course has a branch there is a triangle in the RDC, Durham, N.C. RDCs Duke University is a Census Bureau premises, in which researchers, academia, Federal agencies and other institutions with access to approved projects will be limited for unpublished Census Bureau demographic and economic access to the premises of these protected files. Census Bureau employees who need the information folder and which meet all physical and computer security for confidential data.

RTI International is a community organisation, which makes the social and economic research, as well as federal and private entities.

While many researchers at Duke University have used triangle harms us or our affiliates-RDC during the year, the opening of the course, more is located in Research Triangle Park offers facilitation in the expanding in the area of triangle-group of researchers, and the size of holding.

Census Bureau Director Robert Groves "Census Bureau recognizes that it is translated into statistical information on the substantial investment by the American public," said. "These Census Research Data centers to increase the return on public investments in improvements and the use of such information. These RDCs provide valuable feedback loop researchers Census Bureau data, the quality of their products. "

"The Agency's commitment to scientific methods, such as the Census Bureau encourages research to help us improve how we can do our work."

Before gaining access to the data, researchers shall impose on distribution companies to the Council proposals for the RDC and the Census Bureau for approval. The review process to ensure that the proposed research is feasible, scientific has the advantage of the benefits, and the Census Bureau programs.In addition, the RDC work procedures, strict safety and a strong legal guarantees required by the provisions of this law declares to be to safeguard the confidentiality of the data.Researchers must pass through the entire background investigation and is sworn by the life they use violations of significant financial and legal sanctions, in order to protect the confidentiality of the information with.

Duke at in order to supplement the already centres responsible for the course has been established in Boston;Berkeley Calif.;Los Angeles;Washington; Chicago; Ann Arbor, Mich.;New York City; and Ithaca, n.y.berkeley, Center is a branch from Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif.

Another new Centre in Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Grand opening is scheduled for October 27. [1] [2], the Centre is also slated to open In the spring of 2011.

For more information about the Center for Economic Studies and research data center program, please visit its website at .

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Friday, October 15, 2010

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jul 23, How to Naturally Increase HGH

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Fat treatments for improvement of female breast Body Shape

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Monday, October 11, 2010

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sep 6, HGH Avanced Formula for Looking Younger

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May 24, Performer5 Semen Increaser

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Social Security disability insurance: participation in the Trends and their implications for accounting

Social Security disability insurance (DI) program shall pay cash benefits by the nonelderly adults (younger than the age of 66) which cannot be considered "substantial" work on the subject to a livestock aid application but disabilidád worked in the past, the program pays benefits to some of these adult dependents. In 2009 the disability Insurance program have paid almost eight million disabled beneficiaries benefits and about 2 million of the recipients of the spouses and children.

Between the years 1970 and 2009, the amount of benefits in the host DI more than tripled, from 2.7 million in the form of 9.7 million (unless otherwise specified, all years are calendar years). This jump, which significantly outpaced the growth over this period, the working age population, there are a number of changes — the specific characteristics of the federal policy ' capacity, and employment opportunities. In addition, during those years on average than acquisition cost DI per person receiving benefits rose from about $ 6,900 approximately 12,800 euros (in 2010).As a result, than expenditure DI program, including administrative costs, increased by almost seven times for the period 1970-2009, climbing to 18 billion-dollar 124 billion euro (in 2010). most DI beneficiaries after two years, shall also be entitled to Medicare; these benefits in one fiscal year 2009 of approximately 70 billion dollars.

The current legislation of the program is not Batman Checks financially sustainable. The expenditure related to staff in active employment are drawn from the Insurance fund, financed mainly through the payroll tax 1,8%; the Fund had a balance of EUR 204 billion at the end of the year 2009.The US budget (CBO) is projected that by 2015 the number of benefits, DI 11,4 million and a total expenditure of climbing 147 billion dollars (2010 dollar; see Figure 1). However, DI trust fund will be credited to the tax revenue is about 20% less than the costs, as well as three years later in the year 2018, trust fund shut down, THE CBO's estimates.Without legislative action being taken to reduce the cost of the program to add it to the DI fixed federal income or transfer other federal funds the social security administration is not the legal power to the entire DI benefits in this respect.

Changes can be implemented to process the Trust Fund exhaustion. Some proposed would program dedicated to reduce costs, and other revenue. One approach would be to reduce the costs of benefits DI set up policies that would make the work more viable option for people with disabilities, however, little evidence is available, the effectiveness of these policies and their costs more than the backup copy may replace all discounts DI benefits savings.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The role of Immigrants in the United States work: Update

People born in other countries are a growing presence in the U.s. work force. In 1994, 1/10 of the people of the United States work force was born elsewhere, but in 2009, 7 paragraph 1 was foreign born. Approximately 40% of the foreign-born work take effect in 2009 in Mexico and Central America, and more than 25% were from Asia.

This document updates the Agency's budget for the United States (CBOS) in November 2005, the paper Role of immigrants in the US Labour Market. In earlier versions of the report included data in 2004; a number of different aspects of the migration of the first update is included in the data through 2009.It focuses on foreign-born workers, from which they come, their level of educational attainment, in which case they have jobs, and the growing number of countries in their earnings. Objective, impartial analysis, CBO's mandate in accordance with the purpose of this report shall be adopted in accordance with the recommendations.

People born in other countries are substantial and Frog Checks growing segment of the United States Labour Force — in other words, people work or are you looking for something. In 2009, a member of the 24 million Labour Force — more than one seven — were not more than 21 million foreign was born in 2004.Foreign-born work force was, however, much slower growth in the years 2004-2009 than in the period 1994-2004. for that earlier period foreign-born work an average year-on-year increase in the size of the force of more than 5% from 2004 to 2009, was around 2%.The total amount as a proportion of the foreign work force increased by-born 10.0% in 1994 to 14.5% in 2004 and 15.5% in 2009.

Foreign-born members of the Labour Force in the United States in 2009 about half came in this country before 1994. in 2009, 40% of the foreign-born Labour Force in Mexico and Central America, and more than 25% were from Asia.

In 2009, more than half of Mexico and Central American foreign-born workers did not have high school diploma or GED credential only 6% as compared to workers such as those at issue.On the other hand, almost half of the foreign-born workers non-Mexico and Central America was at the very least, such workers earned a Bachelor's degree, compared to 35%.

Over time, in Mexico and Central America labor-force participants have become more educated.In 2009, they were filled in an average of compulsory education up to 9.5 9.8 years — the 2004; 55% was missing high school diploma or GED credential — 59% in 2004, and 16 to 24-year-olds, 50% down, not in school and were high school graduates — down 60% in 2004. However, in Mexico and they was born in Central America are still constitute a large share of the work force at least educated sections.For example, in 2009 they are 64% of the work force with the participants up to eighth grade education — a number that was 58% in 2004.

Considerable extent specific level set foreign-born workers ' job market role.In 2009, 70% was born in Mexico and Central America, the minimum requirements for the training of workers were employed in the construction of familiar and dishwasher professions; only 23% of workers such as those of persons who hold such jobs.On average, the men in Mexico and Central America, who worked full time weekly income was slightly more than half of like unto the children of men; women in Mexico and Central America earned around three-fifths of the similar women's average weekly income.

Foreign-Born workers who came to the United States non-Mexico and Central America were employed in a wide range of professions. they were more than twice as likely as such employees can be, for example, the computer and mathematical sciences, which require, as a general rule, at least in Their college education. average weekly income were identical like men and women.

Migration data in this report comes from the current Population Survey, households in the United States Census Bureau, each month asks a study conducted by the research. respondents if they and their parents were born. those who were born in another country has requested dual when they came to the United States remain, and if they have become a citizen of the United States. you are not asked for your credentials of legal migration, their status.